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- Is there any explanation for the fact that during the Second World War there were so many Jews among the brilliant cohort of front-line photojournalists? Evgeniy Khaldey, Dmitry Baltermants, Mark Markov-Grinberg, Olga Lander, Yakov Davidzon, Emmanuel Evzirikhin... And these were not just desperate photojournalists, craftsmen and experts in their field, their photographs were included in the golden fund of world photography.

– If we consider art in general, the following picture emerges: Jewish names and surnames dominate in all its types and directions. So photography is not an exception, but part of the rule. Probably among the Jewish genes there is one that stimulates a craving for art, and in extreme wartime everything becomes incredibly aggravated and intensified. Israel has a very high level of photo artists, and not only among immigrants from the USSR and CIS; club photography is very common. Who knows, maybe this is also the result of the constantly looming danger of wars and terrorist attacks in the region? I assume that Jewish photographers will continue to make their significant contribution to world photography, and we will fully enjoy their skills in publications and at exhibitions. But it would be better if it were an interesting chronicle of exclusively peacetime.

Igor German, photographer, journalist

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